Frequently Asked Questions
Why I can’t see subtitles in a video?
If you want to view subtitles You must choose a version of the video you want. You can choose the video version you want under the VIDEO PLAYER. The Videos at Kurina Official are available in 3 Translation languages. Original Language (Raw), English Translation (EN), and Indonesian Translation (ID). Adjust to your choice. Notice “End of Video Title” to find out whether the video has been translated or not.
Example: If there is a video title “Douluo Dalu Soul Land Episode 54” this means the video is not translated yet. Please check an hour, a day, or two or even more than a week, if you’re lucky the video title has changed like this “Douluo Dalu Soul Land Episode 54 Eng Sub” This means the video has been translated into English.

Why I Can’t Load a Video?
If the video cannot appear in your browser, there are several reasons:
- You might use Ads Blocker, Try to turn it off. Then try reloading the video again.
- The browser you are using may not support it. Try to update the latest version of your browser. If the problem is not resolved, try changing your browser. We recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for the best experience.
- You visit our site from the Facebook App. In some cases, the Facebook App cannot load the entire code script on this site. If you open this site directly from the Facebook App and experience problems, try to open this site directly from the default browser or your favorite browser. By default, Facebook will open a web link in the app. To open a direct link via a browser, click 3 points in the top right corner then select “Open with Browser”.
I have done the above, but Why I still Can’t Load a Video?
The most likely cause is the expired cache. Our site uses cookies and cache for user experience. With cache, the website will load faster. But there will be a problem if the cache is stored too long in the browser and has expired. Try to refresh the page several times. If the problem still occurs try to clear the cache in your browser so that the browser will be as fresh as new. Then try again to refresh the page several times to load the latest data from the website.
How To Download Video?
If Video Download is available, you will see Free Download Button in the bottom player (method 1) or in the end of the post (method 2).
Method 1

Method 2
- Choose the video you want to download
- Click available link server, then you will go to a new page>>click “Human Verification”
- Wait a minute you will see
- Then click to generate link see picture below:
- Please Wait until Link download appear
- Click “go to link” to download the video. Done